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Dec 28, 2014

Today Around The Globe

Pakistan : 55 militants killed in air strike , gun battle
Military says 1200 militants have been killed since start of the operation in North Waziristan .
At least 55 militants were killed in Pakistan military air strikes and a gun battle with the army in volatile northwest tribal region where a major offensive to wipe out terrorists is on.

Pakistan : Four new polio cases
Four new polio cases have been reported in Pakistan, taking the number of those affected by the crippling disease to 295 this year.
According to federal health department, two new cases have been reported from Peshawar and one each from Khyber Agency in tribal areas and Qila Abdullah district in Balochistan.
The year 2014 has been the toughest year for the Pakistan anti-polio programme as the number of confirmed cases is going to touch the 300 mark, the highest in the country since 1999. During the past six months, Pakistan had topped in the world polio cases with 85 per cent of all cases.

Pakistan : Government set to challenge Lakhvi bail
Pakistan government is all set to challenge the bail to Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, the key planner of 2008 Mumbai attacks, after getting a copy of the court’s order, the chief prosecutor in the 26/11 case said on Saturday.
“We have finally got the Anti Terrorism Court’s [Islamabad] order copy. We have prepared the appeal against it and will file in the High Court soon after the superior courts’ two-week holidays end by the first week of January,” prosecution chief Chaudhry Azhar told PTI.
Over a week after Islamabad Anti-Terrorism Court Judge Kausar Abbas Zaidi granted bail to Lakhvi, the government on Friday got the copy of the bail order.

Indonesia : Six held for attempting to join IS
Indonesian police on Saturday arrested six people attempting to fly to Syria to join the Islamic State (IS) group, officials said, the latest in a wave of potential sympathizers emerging from the world’s most populous Muslim nation.
Myanmar: Yangon votes for the First time in 60 years Residents of Myanmar's commercial hub Yangon went to the polls on Saturday for first municipal elections in six decades with voters enthusiastic for change even though many knew little about the candidates or their policies.

Myanmar : Protests against China-backed mining project
Around 500 people, including dozens of Buddhist monks, protested near the Chinese consulate in Myanmar’s central city of Mandalay on Saturday demanding the closure of a flashpoint copper mine.
It was the largest protest since the fatal shooting of a woman demonstrating against the Letpadaung mine in the town of Monywa — a Chinese backed venture dogged by complaints of land grabbing and environmental damage.

N. Korea : N. Korea warns U.S. of ‘inescapable deadly blows’
North Korea on Saturday called U.S. President Barack Obama a “monkey” for inciting cinemas to screen a comedy featuring a fictional plot to kill its leader, and blamed Washington for an Internet blackout this week.
The isolated dictatorship’s powerful National Defence Commission (NDC) threatened “inescapable deadly blows” over the film and accused the U.S. of “disturbing the Internet operation” of North Korean media outlets.
The Internet outage triggered speculation that U.S. authorities may have launched a cyber-attack in retaliation for the hacking of Sony Pictures — the studio behind madcap North Korea comedy The Interview . Washington has said the attack on Sony was carried out by Pyongyang.
Malaysia : Floods, 1.6 lakh evacuated ; rescue efforts tardy .
Rescuers struggled on Saturday to get help to the tens of thousands of people affected by Malaysia’s worst flooding in decades as angry victims accused the government of being slow in its response.

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