Google+ Know More , Become Better : 02/07/15

Feb 7, 2015

[PDF] 7 Feb 2015

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News Bits - 7 Feb 2015

  1. Supreme Court Collegium system for appoing judges to Supreme Court and High Courts will continue until the NJAC is put in place.
  2. Bengaluru , Chennai , Surat among 100 Resilient Cities selected by Rockfeller Foundation.
  3. Bhalchandra Nemade wins Jnanpith Award.
  4. Greenpeace violated FCRA norms , says official.
  5. BRICS discussing to setup a Green Fund under

[Ed] A new beginning for a healthier India

The Draft Health Policy is a step in the right direction. Now it’s time for action

The new year started on a positive note for the healthcare sector with the release of the Draft National Health Policy in the public domain.
What was encouraging is that the announcement came in the wake of a recent report that spoke about the government ordering a cut of nearly 20 per cent in its 2014-15 healthcare budget. This was an ominous signal which, I believed, would be a major setback in our mission to build a healthier India.
The Draft Health Policy provides a clear insight into the nation’s healthcare

[Ed] What’s the right number?

GDP data creates a needless flutter

The latest GDP series, with the base year revised to 2011-12 from 2004-05, has caught economy watchers off-guard. Suddenly, the growth rate for 2013-14 has jumped from 5 per cent to 6.7 per cent, giving rise to the question: Is the Indian economy as badly off as we assumed? With manufacturing teetering between slowdown and recession, core sector output limping along and inventories building

[Ed] India, China and an opportunity

Keeping up the momentum in India-China relations, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj came back from her three-day visit to China with several deliverables — including a new Chinese openness in seeing India take up permanent membership of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). Previously, the Chinese had linked SCO membership with a greater role for Beijing in the South Asian Association for

[Ed] India’s tango with the great powers

Geopolitical and economic factors and the re-energised relationship between the U.S. and India are the drivers of change in the trilateral relationship between India, Russia and China. The cumulative impact of these two trends points to a new, emerging configuration of the triangular relationship

The latest trilateral meeting between the foreign ministers of India, Russia and China was held on shifting strategic sands. It would be no exaggeration to say that the triangular relationship between these countries is entering a new phase — one that differs significantly from the past. India’s ability to navigate

The Hindu News - 7 Feb 2015

Collegium system to continue until NJAC is in place
The two-decade old Supreme Court Collegium system for appointing judges to the Supreme Court and High Courts will continue until the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC) is put in place, Union Law Minister Sadananda Gowda said on Friday.
Mr. Gowda was clearing the air in the wake of media reports that there was a tug-of-war between the government and the highest judiciary, and appointments to the top courts of the country “will be put on hold” until the petitions pending in the Supreme Court

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