Google+ Know More , Become Better : 02/26/15

Feb 26, 2015

[PDF] 26 Feb 2015

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News Bits - 26 Feb 2015

  1. Article 370 to stay, Centre tells Rajya Sabha.
  2. Delhi power tariff cut by 50 per cent; 20,000 litres of free water to every household.
  3. Efforts have been redoubled by the Forest Department of Haryana government to bring the mythical Saraswati river to the surface by creating a stream at its point of origin at Saraswati Udgam Sthal in the Adi Badri area of Yamunanagar district.
  4. Nearly 47% out of Maharashtra’s total employed population, which is

[Ed] Strategic patience on nuclear liability

The breakthrough in the nuclear liability issue is not a solution but a declaration of intent to resolve difficult issues. The final settlement may come at a different time under different leaderships. For the present, it is important to keep the dialogue going for the greater good of India and the U.S., and it may have value which goes beyond nuclear trade

A month after the “breakthrough understanding” on the nuclear liability issue was announced by U.S. President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, its practical value

[Ed] Empowering the States

The broad contours of a cooperative federal polity where the Centre and States engage as equal partners in development is now emerging after the government on Tuesday accepted the recommendations of the Fourteenth Finance Commission. The FFC, headed by former RBI Governor Y.V. Reddy, has broken new ground by recommending a move away from scheme and grants-based support to States to a greater devolution of funds from the Centre’s divisible pool of

The Hindu New - 26 Feb 2015

‘Future of genomic medicine depends on sharing information’
Eric S. Lander, one of the principal leaders of the Human Genome Project that mapped the entire human genetic code in 2003, said on Wednesday that the “real genome project” is about studying huge samples of genomic data to identify disease genes.
While phenomenal technological advances had helped reduce the cost of genome sequencing by a million-fold over the last decade, allowing