Google+ Know More , Become Better : 02/10/15

Feb 10, 2015

[PDF] 10 Feb 2015

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News Bits - 10 Feb 2015

  1. India is now Fastest Growing Country in the World with estimate of about 7.4% Growth in 2014-15.
  2. UN Climate Talks resumes in Geneva ahead of Paris Conference
  3. Singapore President Tony Tan Keng Yam arrived in New Delhi on 4 Day Visit.
  4. Music composer from Bengaluru , Ricky Kej , bagged 'Best New Age Album' trophy at the 57th Annual Grammy Award for album "Winds of Samsara".

[Ed] Fast-tracking disputes resolution

Recognising the optimism in Indian markets, driven by a government that is encouraging growth in trade and commerce, the Law Commission of India (LCI) in its recent 253rd Report has recommended reforms that can support this economic growth from a legal perspective. These are much-needed reforms in a growing economy where commercial disputes are often complex and of high value. The LCI has recommended the establishment of a commercial

[Ed] The silence of the liberal Muslim

While Muslims rightly resent being called upon to condemn every act of Muslim extremism by arguing why the community should be held accountable for the actions of individual members, the Shirin Dalvi case is about standing up for a fellow Muslim being intimidated by the community’s own lunatic fringe
A Muslim woman is accused of blasphemy, sacked by her employers, dragged through police stations and courts, and is forced to go underground in the face of a vicious hate campaign, including death threats.

The Hindu News - 10 Feb 2015

India fastest growing economyProjection based on new methodology
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) said on Monday that India is set to grow 7.4 per cent and cross the $2.1-trillion mark this year against 6.9 per cent in 2013-14.
India grew 7.5 per cent in the October-December quarter, according to the estimates released, overtaking China’s 7.3 per cent growth in the same quarter, to become the fastest growing major economy in the world.