Google+ Know More , Become Better : News Bits - 13 Feb 2015

Feb 13, 2015

News Bits - 13 Feb 2015

  1. ICAR to set up model mechanised farms at 100 villages across country.
  2. A pint-sized Japanese robot “Kirobo” that became the first android to converse with an astronaut in space has returned to Earth after 18 months in orbit, project organisers said on Thursday.
  3. The prestigious $500,000 National Science Foundation CAREER award was won by Gurpreet Singh, assistant professor of mechanical and nuclear engineering at Kansas State University , to develop ultrathin metal sheets that can help produce better rechargeable batteries.
  4. SIT set up to probe 1984 anti-Sikh riots.
  5. 8 m. tonnes of plastic waste entered oceans in 2010.
  6. Steering clear of outright support, China has said it respects the aspiration of India and Brazil to play bigger roles at the U.N. Security Council.
  7. Ukraine ceasefire deal reached,ceasefire would take effect on Sunday(15 Feb) and that heavy weapons would be withdrawn from frontlines of the conflict.
  8. Sri Lanka: Army-controlled land in the North to be released.
  9. Reliance Power to set up solar projects in Rajasthan.
  10. The model villages adopted by the Members of Parliament under the Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) will now get rural roads under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) on priority basis. Similarly, in these model villages, rural roads constructed or upgraded under PMGSY would have to be maintained by the State Governments up to prescribed standards and even beyond the built in period of first five years.

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