Google+ Know More , Become Better : Ukraine conflict: EU extends sanctions against Russia

Jan 30, 2015

Ukraine conflict: EU extends sanctions against Russia

EU foreign ministers have agreed to extend existing sanctions against Russia until September.
At an extraordinary meeting in Brussels, they also agreed to discuss names to add to the list of individuals targeted for EU travel bans and asset freezes.
However, they did not agree on imposing new economic sanctions against Russia.
The ministers met as fighting raged in eastern Ukraine. Moscow denies any involvement in the conflict.
There has been further fighting in eastern Ukraine near the town of Debaltseve, the location of a strategic railway junction between Donetsk and Luhansk.
Thursday's meeting was called after the government-held port of Mariupol was shelled at the weekend, with the deaths of at least 30 people. Ukraine blamed rebels for the attack.
There was uncertainty over the position of the new Greek government - a Russian ally which says it wants to avoid a rift between the EU and Russia.
Nato says hundreds of Russian tanks and armoured vehicles are in east Ukraine.
Moscow denies direct involvement but says some Russian volunteers are fighting alongside the rebels.
The US, which has co-ordinated sanction moves with Brussels in the past year, said it was not planning an immediate new announcement itself.

Source- BBC

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